Amy Thinks She Might Be Psychic After Incident at Home

Amy thinks she may have psychic powers.

For months, Amy has been meaning to clean out her garage and donate a bunch of stuff. The day before the pipe in her garage exploded, she finally decided to do it. It was a bunch of stuff that just needed to be loaded up and donated or cleaned out. Now it could be a coincidence, but she thinks something in her sort of knew that the pipe was going to burst so she finally accomplished that task.

The show noted that her cousin, that's actually not related to her, does have psychic abilities. Her cousin believes that all humans have the ability to be psychic, they just have to be open to it. So it is possible that in this particular moment Amy was tapping into a different conscious level.

Bobby Bones decided to test out Amy's new theory, so he had her sit in a room for five minutes and come up with some other predictions. While thinking, Amy saw an eagle. She has no idea who played sports over the weekend, but she thinks this eagle indicates a team winning. She also predicts that she will get another cat sometime soon.

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