If you're gonna ride my ass, at least take me to dinner first.
My child sells weed to your honor student.
I text and drive. Good luck.
I’m from Texas. I’m probably armed. And crazy. Back off! I'd rather be Tweeting.
The Closer you get, The Slower I drive...
My child was a high school drop out.
My spirit animal ate your stick figure family. Bitch on board.
My honor student says yours slept their way to the top.
Honk if you retweet. I hate bumper stickers.
Bumper stickers are for losers!
Caution: This vehicle makes frequent stops at your mom’s houses. My other ride is your Dad.
A--holes in the mirror, are closer than they appear!
My driving scares me too.
Watch out for the idiot behind me
Snitches get stitches.
I BRaKe FoR aNiMaLs
Stop Honking! I’m on the phone!
I Break For Hashtaggers
I follow back