Better With A Village is a FREE event for all current and expecting moms to mingle and meet some of the dedicated practitioners in the Baton Rouge area that support and service moms like you!
The goal of the event is to help you! We understand that it takes a village, and our mission is to best support you on your personal journey of motherhood and have a little fun too!
We hope to make finding your village accessible and convenient by gathering as a group in one location to answer questions, share our expertise, and offer the moms of Baton Rouge their "next step" to whatever area of health they are looking for.
This is a free event that begins at 6:30pm with mingling, chatting with our vendors, and entering to win door prizes provided by each vendor. At 7:30pm, we will begin the panel discussion and question and answer portion. This is a time to ask us anything and get advice for whatever you may need. The evening concludes with the drawing for door prize winners. Space is limited. Non-mobile babies are welcome.
The Maternal Resources Group is a collaboration of practitioners in Baton Rouge that serve mothers. We, as a group, believe in a more complete type of care for moms in our community, and seek to fill in the gaps between different modalities of healing and health with referrals and education on the many services offered in Baton Rouge. Services like birth education and support, lactation support, exercise, mental health, nutrition, latch/feeding, sleep consulting, rehabilitation, and more!
We know how lonely motherhood can feel at times, and we are coming together to fill that void and be your village when needed!
Myra Buller, CST - Myra Buller Physical Therapy
Anna Truxillo - Balance Holistic Health
Danielle Daly - Bedtime Bliss Sleep Consulting
Sherri Daigle - Licensed Midwife
Amanda Western - Magnolia Lactation Consulting
Samantha Rauber, LPC
Elizabeth Vivian, LPC
Julia Mims - Well Fed Health
Dr. Lauren Hymel - Hymel Sports and Wellness
Dr. Sarah Duhon - Illuminate Natural Health
Ashely Larson and Erin Collins - BodyWorks Therapy Specialists
Courtney Cotharn - Courtney Cotharn Concepts
Alexandra McCall - Stork Maternity Consulting
Jade Parnell - HeatherJade Apothecary