Guy says he can't find a good woman, even though he has 700 pounds of beef

A Texas man is being mocked online after bragging that he makes a good salary but "women would rather have a loser than a provider."

The man posted on Twitter over the weekend to complain about how hard it was to find a partner. He tweeted, "My housing is paid for. I make a good salary. I get health insurance, 401k, 700 lbs of beef a year, and I live on a couple hundred acres. I’m a puncher by trade with a bachelors degree. And I swear you women would rather have a loser than a provider. It’s sad."

One woman told the man, "It may come as a shock to you, but women might like more than meat and health insurance in a partner." Several people also pointed out how many women aren't looking for a "provider."

After receiving backlash the man said he isn't looking to hold anyone back, but find the right woman to help build up.

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