Maid of honor wears T-Rex costume after told she could wear ‘anything’

This bridal party turned into a Tyrannosaurus wreck!

A Nebraska maid of honor showed up to her sister’s wedding dressed as a dinosaur after the bridal party was given free rein over what they wanted to wear to the nuptials.

“When you’re maid of honor and told you can wear anything you choose … I regret nothing,”wrote Christina Meador alongside a Facebook photoof her wearing a T-Rex costume last month.

The photo — which shows her towering over the bridal party in the costume — has since gone viral with more than 35,000 shares on social media.

Fortunately, the bride appeared to take her sister’s interesting choice of outfit in stride.

“My sister is awesome and I genuinely was not kidding when I said she could wear whatever she wanted,” Deanna Adamstold the Daily Mail.

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