Game changer: Features in common product that will make your life easier

While we all have certain products that make our day-to-day life easier, it turns out some of those items have features plenty of people don’t know about, which could be making folks’ lives run even smoother. But you won’t be in the dark for long, because a bunch of people are now sharing their favorite secrets.

A recent Reddit thread posed the question, “What common product has a feature you're not sure everyone is aware of?,” and some of the answers may make you feel a little clueless.

Secret product features folks may not be aware of include:

  • "For tuxedo pants, if you look on the inside on the top corner of the front pockets, there are holes that are designed so you can grab your shirt and pull it down instead of cramming your hands down the front of your pants."

  • "There is a built-in scanner feature within the notes app of the iPhone."

  • "Shaking your iPhone will undo typing. It also works if you accidentally deleted a portion of text. Just shake your phone, and the text will come back."

  • The calculator app on Samsung Android phones has a unit converter for all kinds of stuff. Just tap on the ruler to access it."

  • "Baby onesies have split sleeves so when they have a nasty, blowout diaper, you can pull the onesie down over their shoulders instead of pulling a sh*t-filled or soaking wet onesie up over their heads. This was a game-changer for me."

  • "The boxes that aluminum foil wrap is packaged in usually have two perforated holes on either end that you can push inward. This lets you hold the roll of foil more securely in place when you're reeling it out to tear it."

  • "Toasters have a slide at the bottom that lets you open them up to clean them and empty out bread crumbs."

  • "Most ceiling fans have a switch on them that allow you to either pull or push air, depending on whether it’s summer or winter."

  • This may be common knowledge but I didn't know it for an embarrassing amount of time: There is an arrow on nearly every vehicle's fuel gauge that tells you which side of the car the gas tank is located."

  • "I guess not many people know this, but if you rapidly press the power button on your iPhone, it will sound an alarm from your phone. And, if you don't press the cancel button within a few seconds, the feature automatically contacts emergency services." 

Source: Buzzfeed

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